Saturday, September 16, 2006

Baby Joseph

My Sister just sent me pictures of Baby Joseph.  He is so cute.  In a couple of them he is looking as if, "What am I suppose to do"  and the other he is smiling with his mouth open.  MY FAVOTowelRITES...  Here are the pJoseph_beachictures. Fall

How cute are these?  Look at that face.  Can't wait to print these and scrap book them.  Did I mention that this saturday is a crop day for me.  Yep,  9am - 9pm.  I am printing pictures as we speak so I can have plenty to do.  Stampingly Yours is vending at the crop.  So if I am not busy I might as well make the best of it right.  Also the best part.  My friend Barbara is flying in from Florida to spend the week with me on that morning.  So I am super-duper excited. 

Today I had a class at the store called "Distressed 101" The basics of the famous Tim Holtz Distressed inks.  The students were very pleased with the information and inturn bought a bunch of distressed inks..  So I am tickled Pink. 

Ok.  Off to organize my scrapbook room before my friend arrived a week from today!  ta-ta for now.. 

Friday, September 1, 2006

September Already??

Can you believe it is September already?  I love this time of year.  Fall,  the warm colors of the trees, the leaves, the weather.  Then before you know it it is Halloween, Thanksgiving and then there is Christmas. I love the hustle and bustle of the season! 

Here is a cute book I made for a class.  It is a Fall Book.  Inspired from Kriss Cramer. (who is super talented)


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back to Reality

Had a super time at Rager U Melt Art Certification this week end.  Got to catch up with my Friends from Scrap-n-Stamp, Jacksonville, FL.  Jodie and I laughed about stupid stuff.  Mainly me burning my fingers not once but 3 times AFTER I was told that the contents of the melting pot are hot..  Well you do the stupidest stuff without  Jeanne & Jodie it was great to see you again.  Hope to see you next month when you come to Ink & Imbossing Ranger U. 

Suze is great.  She sent us links of a picture show.  It was so cute and thoughtful. 

I did manage to relax a bit yesterday.  But had to wake up to reality this morning and come back to work.  When I got here I had 1 box waiting on the table to be checked in from Fiskars.  My neighbor brought in another box that ups left with them from Petaloo.  And the UPS brought me 2 more boxes (prima flowers & Ranger Stuff)  I have the little styrophome balls.  they are teeeny tiny little balls that are suppose to keep stuff from shifting in transit.  (mainly to keep the glass from breaking)  They are attached EVERYWHERE.  All over the carpet, on my clothes and not to mention in my hair.  Good

Well the good news is that everything is priced and in the computer.  The bad news is I am tired and don't want to put them away...  What to do.. what to do.. 

Well off to finish the job...   

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Not much going on today.  I stamped a few more cards for a class I want to do in August.  I did manage to clean my room and organize it a bit.  (which seems like an ongoing thing)  Here is a card I did today:

Happy_summer_umbrellas_1 This is using Vippies Stamps (umbrella)  & using Savvy Stamp (Happy Summer).  Stampin Up Ribbon.  Stickles for the glitter. 

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A-Muse Palooza

Yippie.  I am going to an A-Muse Palooza tomorrow.  In NYC.  It is a bit of a drive.  But I am so excited.  yeah!!!

Ok.  Just wanted to share!  Off to bed.  I picked up 3 magazines today.  going to flip through them before sleep..

Nighty Night,

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A-MUSE Stamps

Well,  I finally figured out what these were all about.  These stamps are the cutest.  I did manage to buy a few today.  Here is a card I made using A-muse Stamps and SU ink and cardstock.  I also added to the card glitter glue to the center of the flowers which the picture does not do it justice. 

Amuse_thinking_of_you I do plan on getting more of these stamps.  They are just so cute and easy to use.

This is one of the cards we are going ot be making on Saturday at the "Stamp-a-thon".