Wednesday, January 31, 2007

2007 Goals

Well it is almost Feb 2007 and I am just now sitting down to state my goals.  I figured that I would put them down so that they would seem a little more real than just in my head.  I am assuming this is normal to other folks as well. lol

1.  Better my relationship with my Hubby and my family and friends.

2.  Get better working skills at the store and do more samples and classes. 

3.  Be a better person.  Physically and emotionally. 

4.  get ORGANIZED....  (HELP IMAN!!!!)


I have a lot planned for this month.

~Feb 2nd Toby Keith Concert.  YEAH!!!! With a few of my fav peeps.  Iman, Heather, Sara and Sandy (Heathers Mom)

~Feb 10 - 11 Scrapbowl in Virginia.  We are taking Classes with Ali Edwards and Donna Downy.  Again with my fav peeps: Iman, Heather, and Sara. 

~Feb 23 - 25 Club Scrap MINI Retreat up in New York. 

I am so excited for each of these events.  and I will post pics as soon as I get


Today I had lunch at Paneras with my friend Annette.  Oh my gosh.  They have the best Cesar Salad.  and Annette ordered the French Onion Soup in a Bread Bowl.  It just looked delicious.  Annette is my Director for Mary Kay.  Yep you guessed it I am an official Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.  If you need anything go to:

This evening I went to Michaels and bought a few new magazines.  Going to preview them before bed tonight..  :)  Iman is a great persuader when it is for scrapbooking, stamping & shopping..  :)  My favorite 3 S's..  Scrapbooking, Stamping, and Shopping..  ha ha ha  I just came up with  Too Stinking Cute!  After our moment of getting our fix we went to the Tick Tock Diner for Dinner.  We had a great time just chatting and looking at the magazines briefly. 

Tomorrow I am going to upload a card I did.  So keep checking back in.