Tuesday, April 19, 2011


This past Friday night I had this class.  It was such a success.  Everyone did an awesome job.  I wanted to share the whole shi-bang with you.  (Is that a word?  shi-bang?  is that even how you spell it? Oh well, moving on)

Full pages_edited-1

I do apologize that there are not any pictures on here.  That green in the backgroud is called Parakeet by Bazzill.  I love that color, don't you?  I loved it so much that I bought a whole pack of it.  {smile}

I promise to post other things that are not class related.  I am actually going to a week end crop next week end and I can't wait.  This week end, yes, I have a 3 day week end this week too, I plan on page planning.  Gotta get that done so I don't have to take the whole room with me.  Never happens though! I end up taking the whole room. I do have good intentions.   :)

Thanks for visiting my blog today.  :)  Heading home now to cook dinner and finish up a few deadlines.  :)




  1. VERY NICE Layout! Glad your class went well! I'm looking forward to your Altered Mirror Class at Scrap-a-Doodle Doo, on May 12th!

  2. love the title and cake! Great job
