Saturday, March 22, 2014

New Found Hobby....

Any Guesses???? 
I have been bitten by the knitting & Crocheting Bug.  :) I am currently signed up with Continuing education Adult School locally taking a knitting class for beginners. 
See that fun picture at the top.  That is my Yarn Haul I picked up at Genuine Purl in Chattanooga, TN a few weeks back.  I can truthfully say that I am addicted to yarn.  It is all so pretty. 
This above picture is my scarf that I am still knitting.  The first project.  woo hoo.  Almost there..  I probably would have been finished by now if I would have brought my extra skein to Tennessee while I was visiting.  I even went to the local Michaels and they didn't carry this particular pattern. 
 My first crochet flower.  I was sitting in bed YouTubing and thought why don't I just make this with the video. 
The above picture is my first Hexi-puff for my Bee Keepers quilt. I am assuming this is going to take me FOREVER to complete.  Here is a link to what it looks like finished:  Tiny Owl Knits  I am pretty proud of myself since I am a new knitter. 

To make the BeeKeepers Quilt you will need about 300+ hexipuffs.  One down- and many many more to go.  :) 

If you are interested in the Bee Keepers quilt you can get a kit from Knit Crate.  Simply by clicking here:  KNIT CRATE The above picture is of what I got in the kit.  Not pictured is the instructions and the video link instructions.

Funny thing.  Not only am I a Beginner Knitter.  But I also am a Beginner Crocheter.  I can't just do one thing at a time.  I have to go all out.  lol!  The above is just the beginning of my blanket.  :)  Will be finished in the year of 2040.  lol  Just kidding.  I hope it don't take me that long... 
 Thanks so much for stopping by today and HAPPY KNITTING! 


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