Monday, January 28, 2008

A BIG happy Birthday

12708_cards_001 I was in dire need of some birthday cards.  So this week end I decided I needed to sit down and make some.  (well

This cute stamp is by inky antics and the sentiment is by Stamping Bella. 

I really like how this turned out.  It just FELL together.  Don't you like it when that happens. 

I had a dentist appointment this morning.  FUN FUN FUN.  I had to get 2 fillings and a crown.  I really hate the SHOTS.  Maybe it is just me but I can't stand to have something polked in my gums.  I tense up every time.  While he was doing one of the fillings it felt like it was cold and I didn't think I was suppose to feel anything so i was trying to tell the dentist and he nicked my tongue by mistake.  It is hurting now. 

OK that is my story for today.  I am going to go shower and get ready for work tomorrow. 

Enjoy the card.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

sorry... I've been an

12708_cards_003How cute is this card.  another cute stamp by Whipper Snapper.  I really like how it turned out.  quick and simple. 

Hope you all had a great week end.  It seems like it went by way to fast for me.  The good thing is that at least my house is clean right now 

Going to an all day crop next weekend and I need to get some pictures developed.  At least I know what I am going to be doing this week.  :)

Have a great night!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Valentines_001 If you seen this cute stamp in a store it is a definite "MUST HAVE".  Isn't he just the cutest little "cupig" ever?  I'm not sure about the coloring matching the paper but I Had to make it work..  You know how you do something and you just don't want to redo it.  Yep that is what I was feeling.  It doesn't matter though,  I still think he's the cutest.  lol

so tell me what you think?

Have a great night!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

I "toad"ally love you!

Valentines_002 This adorable image is by Whipper Snapper.  Isn't it "toad"ally cute!  I colored the little guy with prisma colored pencils and gamsol.  I also used prisma Markers to accent the words and surrounding dots and things.  The heart on him is a heart rhinestone sticker by Martha Stewart/Michaels. 

TGIF..  at least for tomorrow anyways.  :)  I am so looking forward to the week end.  From being off because I was sick and then I went back to work this past Tuesday and let me just say I'm a bit exhausted. 

Enjoy the rest of your night..  I am off to watch some TV before bed time.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Faux Silk

Faux_silk_008 Here is my try at the "Faux Silk" technique. 

Stamps Used:  Doodlebug Design clear stamps and Stampin Up words. 

Ink:  all stampin' Up and Staz on.

Paper:  stampin up & tissue

Embellishment:  Ribbon and brads

This was so easy to make.  You have to watch it when working with the tissue paper.  It is easy to run the ink. 

I am still sick.  My throat is still "Killing" me and my cough isn't helping matters much.  I will go to work tomorrow.  First time in over a week.  If you know of anyone with a virus....  STAY AWAY! 

Good Night everyone.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I Love You-House Mouse

I_love_you_hm Well this turned out cuter than I had anticipated.  I love House Mouse and this is one of my newest purchased ones.  I got this beauty of a stamp from Hobby Lobby in Tennessee while I was visiting my family. 

I colored with Prisma colored pencils and gamsol and the paper is Stampin Up card stock and Basic Grey's newest lines "Two Scoops".  The "I LOVE YOU" stamp is one of the $1 stamps from Michaels.

I know this isn't a traditional color for a "Valentines" card.  But I wanted to use my new stamps.  :)  Enjoy

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Gotta love FLUFFLES...

Cards_1_16_08_001 I have been trying to load up this card for a few days now..  I love this little guy.  I have another one I am going to color and use tonight.  :) 

Fluffles w/ ladybugs is by Stampendous.  and check out the ladybug ribbon.  The paper is by SEI from Hobby Lobby.

  I like this card.  super easy and really cute..  If I do say so myself.. 

Hope you all are having a great day.

RAK from Denise Bryant

Cards_1_16_08_002 This card is by Denise Bryant over at  All things Stamped.  I love this super duper Large snow flake.  Thanks Denise..


I have been a weee bit behind in posting some beautiful RAK's I have received.  Here is a few I hope you enjoy..

Cards_1_16_08_012 1.  This Christmas Card is by Allison from Stampin When I Can.  I am so honored to have received this beauty from her.  Thank You Allison...

2.  Card  by my sister.  Peanut.

3.  This Christmas card is by Nicole Cooke.  It is beautiful.  Thanks Nicole.  Be sure to check out her BLOG..

4.  My mom made this Christmas Card  (Tina)

Cards_1_16_08_008 Cards_1_16_08_011 Cards_1_16_08_009

Monday, January 14, 2008

still alive

Different_types_of_pics_002 I am still alive.  Still sick but surviving.  I can actually talk as to where folks understand what I am saying.  Heading back to work tomorrow. 

This card here is a card that I have had done for a while.  It was/is in my "for sale" stash.  Thought I'd share it with you. I have been asked by friends and acquaintances if I have any cards I sell, at the time I didn't, so I nominated one of my baskets to be the "for sale" basket. 

Enjoy your night as I am off to hit the sack and watch TV.


Friday, January 11, 2008


Sorry I haven't blogged lately, I am sick.  My throat feels like someone is just scratching inside there.  Can't hardly talk.  I am hot one minute and cold the next.  I try real hard not to sneeze because it hurts way to bad..... all I want to do is sleep.  I hope to be back to normal by Monday.  Have a great week-end!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Everyone Knows....

Birthday_calories_001 Birthday Calories don't count..  I love this saying..  How cute is this?...  I used my prisma colored pencils to color the image in and used my stickles glitter glue to add a little sparkle.  These images, both the wording and the treats are both from Stampendous. 

Today was not a good day..  Had a busy day at work and on my way home I got a speeding ticket.  I didn't realize I was going fast.  (only about 45mph) I thought the speed limit in that area was 40ish.  Later found out that the speed was 25.  Here Ii thought I was going the speed limit and didn't reduce my speed even after he got behind me..  How stupid was  :)  Well from now on I will definitely remember that the speed is 25 in that area..

Ok I am of to watch a little tv.  Have a great night!

Thinking of You

Different_types_of_pics_117 I have been dying to use this stamp.  Finally had the opportunity to sit down and stamp with it. 

I really enjoy coloring.  It is my favorite thing to sit down and do when it comes to stamping.  Don't get me wrong I do love it when i can just sit down and "boom" I have a card done.  But coloring is relaxing.  Not really thinking about anything other than what color am I going to use 

This card features "Elzybells" stamp by Amuse.  I colored with Prismacolored markers.  The paper is Ki memories and Stampin Up.  Ink is Black Staz On.  The ribbon is from my ribbon jar.  (not sure who it is by)


Monday, January 7, 2008

loves me loves me not

Different_types_of_pics_116 As promised...  Here is something "stamping" related for tonight.  I actually did a little bit of stamping today.  SOOOO EXCITED.  I was beginning to go through withdrawals.  :)  We all know how that goes.. he he..

This card features the Stampin' Up Level 3 hostess set.  While I was in Tennessee I did manage to get a few of these images stamped so I can play with at home.  I colored these images in with my prisma colored pencils and used gamsol to blend the colors.  The paper is by Ki Memories from Hobby Lobby.  (sure do wish there was one of those up here in Jersey!  I also used Metallic Silver Cardstock and Real Red.  The ribbon is just from my misc stash in a jar.

It is so good to be back.  I have missed this "outlet" of my life over the past few months.  Enjoy!


DH and I made it home ok Saturday night.  Yesterday was a veg day.  We did nothing but sit in front of the TV.  The animals missed us a lot.  Gato (the cat) didn't get more than 2 feet away from us.  My little guy.  Such a cutie.

I took the day off to catch up on a few things.  Mainly unpacking.  and putting my craft room back in a sort of order.  Now that i am done with that I am going to sit here and do something that I have been craving to do and that is STAMP. 

While I was in Tennessee I managed to go to hobby lobby, not once but twice.  I got lots of fun valentines paper and a few stamps and Thickers and more.  So excited. 

I will load up something stamp related this evenings. 

How is your New years Resolutions going?  Well phase one is done of my organizing extravaganza.  and that was to un pack from the trip.  That is all put away and luggage is back in the basement.  Tonight when my dh gets home from work we have to go purchase a couple more 3 drawer storage containers for my stamps.  I can't stand to have them mixed up.  Plus I have more Christmas stamps.  :)  fun fun...

gonna go stamp now.  see you in a bit!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year

Here is hoping everyone has a wonderful and beautiful New year!  If 2007 didn't turn out the way you had anticipated it to, now is the fresh start that we need to make it better. 

Here are a few of my resolutions:

1.  Organize-  I want to be better organized.  Not just my craft room but my whole house.  My house is so small that we have to be creative with organizing..  :) 

2.  family & home-  In 2008 I am going to concentrate on my family & my Home.  My main priority is going to be my family and my home.  Over the past few years I have been concentrating on other things than my family and home.  Of course I didn't ignore them I did the bear minimum when cooking and cleaning but I am going to focus more in my family and home...  I want date nights with my husband..

3.  Blogging-  I pay for this blog so I should use it more often.  another goal is to blog at least 3 times.  Hopefully more than 3 times a week but minimum 3.... 

what is your goals and resolutions...?

I am currently in Tennessee visiting my mother and other family members.  I will be home sometime Sat Night.  All this will start on Monday.