Friday, March 2, 2012

Rain or Shine and Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!  

I'm at work right now and sending this a little later than usual.  It has been a rough day already.  Been on and off the phones dealing with Verizon and Cable Vision..  Sometimes I really just wish I could reach through the phone lines....... I'll just leave it at that.  :)  

Today I am going to show you my project I posted over at the Pink by Design page.  

Rain or shine 3 1 2012

Every other Thursday is my day to post and yesterday was my first day.  Here is all the fine details: 

I printed the image on my printer on heavy duty card stock.  I have an HP photo smart printer.  (fairly old, about 7years)  I actually printed 2 of the images, incase I messed up my coloring.  (hey, it happens)  I colored my image with copic markers and then stamped my sentiment under the image.  After my image was colored in I layered my choice of card stock and pattern paper.  I wrapped my ribbon around the paper before gluing it down on the red card stock and pop dotted up my image from the card.  When I was done with card completely I used glossy accents to the umbrella and clear stickles to the rain.  (TIP:  this is so that you will not touch it again until it dries.)

Rainy Day Boy Digi Stamp:  CLICK HERE by Creative Kuts

Rain or Shine Stamp Set:  CLICK HERE by Pink by Design

Thanks for stopping by today.  I'll be back later on with my blog candy winner.  If you haven't already seen it see the post here:  CLICK HERE

Have a great day!  


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