Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Every Buggie...

Every_buggy02 Needs some Buggie!  Isn't this just darling?  I love inky antics.  They have some adorable stamps.  The paper is from Basic Grey's 6 x 6 paper pack.  That paper is great for card making.  I love how it turned out.  I colored the cute buggie in with prismas and Gamsol.  I used glitter glue on her wings.  I used 4 punches from my small scalloped square punch and pieced together to give it the scalloped edge.  The ribbon and the sentiment just ties it all together.  Check out her ankle bracelet.  CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! 


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Best Witches

Best_witches I just got this lovely stamp in the mail today.  I had ordered it from a dear friend of mine Stampers Dream.  You can check out Michelle's blog, the link is in my blog listing on the left hand side titled "Stampers Dream"  Thanks Michelle!

On this card I used my prismacolor Markers to color the image in.  I actually like these markers over the Copic.  I find these markers easier to use. 

Hope you have a great night and I will post more tomorrow.  I hopefully am back on track!  :)  Nighty Night...

MIA & Split Negative Technique

Split_negative I know, I know...  I have been missing in action for a few days.  Busy with the store and then on Sunday my home computer crashed.  I need a new hard drive.  Stinks because I lost everything.  On the other hand it cleans out my computer..lol 

Sorry this photo stinks.  Hmm..  Not sure what happened.

This technique is called split negative.  It is usually done with black and white ink and paper.  However I wanted to try it with blue and white instead.  I used Stampin up ink and paper.  The stamp is by All Night Media.  The best type of stamp to use would be a bold stamp. 

Enjoy and have a great day!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy Friday!

Img_0011  These little guys are Microscope slides and frames that are by "Ranger".  They are all using different things to embellish and decorate each one.  I also printed up a contact sheet of various pictures to add onto the photo. 

The top left is:  My Grandfather in on photo and the other photo is of My Grandmother and mom, and her 2 brothers when she was a weee little tot. 

The top middle:  a pic of myself sitting on Santa's Lap..  :)

The bottom Left:  My niece and Nephew

The bottom Right:  My Sister Renee and her boyfriend Jonathan.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Crayon Resist

Img_0044 Here is another card using the "Crayon Resist"  I love how elegant it looks. 

Today I am home.  Need to be stamping but instead I am surfing the computer.  You know the kind.  You sit down and before you know it 2 hours has passed...

At the moment my house is a mess.  (not too bad)  but a mess non-the-less.  DH is redoing the tile in my shower/tub area.  I can't wait to get it done.  Last night when we were getting ready for bed and put up the child gate to keep Adora (my 120 lb rotty) in the bedroom w/out closing the door, well we couldn't find her.  She usually likes to get under my bed but she wasn't there.  She wasn't in the living room, kitchen or my craft room.  Then I looked in the bathroom and she had jumped in my tub and all you seen was her head sticking out from the shower curtain.  She was so cute and I didn't have my camera.... My Baby...lol

Happy Bloggin'!   

Monday, August 6, 2007

Happy Monday

Img_0042 Happy Monday!  This week-end started out to be busy then I just needed a day of doing NOTHING.   Friday Night we had a crop going on at the store until 11pm. Saturday we had a Scrapbook and Rubber stamping Garage Sale that ended about 5ish. I had dinner with some friends at TGI Fridays.Went back to the store so I could clean up from the garage sale.  By the time I got home it was after 9pm.  Before I knew it, it was after 10:30 when I went to bed.. then I was out light a light.  Not any stamping went on this week end!  Sunday was my day of NOTHING.  Watched Lifetime all day.  Which wasn't bad because they had Nora Roberts books in movie all day.  So It was nice to compare the book to the movie. 

This card here, I have had in my stash. 

Stamps:  In Full Bloom

Ink and Paper:  Stampin UP!

Accessories:  Brads and paper piercer, White embossing powder and versamark

Stamp the image on Vellum w/ versamark then emboss with white embossing powder, turn vellum over and color in.  This gives it a softer look on the embossed side.  I Love how this turned out!

Blank on the inside so you can use it for any occasion.

Happy Bloggin'!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Img_0015 Img_0014

This is a book I made for a class, called "pieces of Us".  Which is about my husband and I.  I used it to document little things about us:  our favorite movie, song, color all the way to our birth date, where we were born and such...  It was fun and I am going to keep it on our end table in the living room. 


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Best Witches

729a_card This is the last of the cards I made Last Saturday night.  I am not tooo excited about this one.  I think the white is to bright...  I tried to tone it down with the edges but I still think it is too bright.  I think there is a time when you just say "Step Away From The Card" and Just leave it.  I do like how the oval turned out. 

Paper:  Heidi Grace Halloween, SU Cardstock

Ink:  Black Staze On

Accessories:  Black Ribbon, Black Journaling Pen

What do you think of this card? 

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happy August and BLOG WINNER!!!

Can you believe it is August already?  My birthday is in 22 days...  Yep its August 23rd.  I'll be I'll be 33 years old.  Yikes I am getting old.  Sad to say that I had to do a bit of subtraction to get my age.  I don't really think about my age that much..  I just know I am the oldest of my siblings and my DH is the baby of his and he is 4 mo older than I.  Anyhow..  I am sure someone feels the same way I do..lol

Ok who is the BIG WINNER!!!  My husband drew from the bucket and "YOSHA" you are the winner..

Yosha has a great blog, go and visit her here: http://in-my-moments.blogspot.com/

Yosha email me your mailing address so I can get these goodies out to you.

Thanks so much to all who posted on my Blog Candy.  I appreciate each and every one of you who read here.

Have a good night!