Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Thanks RAK

Denise_bryant_thanks Denise Thank you so much for this beautiful card. Check out Denise's Blog to see how she made the buckles and the letters.  Thanks for sharing! 

AMERICAN IDOL:  What did you think of AI tonight?  The guys did do 100% better this week than they did last week.  Chris Sligh is still my favorite.  I don't know what it is.  But he seems to be a "fun" person.  So sweet of him to dedicate his song "Trouble" to his wife. 

Well I am off to bed now.  I have had a head ache that has been brewing all day. 

Thanks again Denise for the great card.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Club Scrap Rolling Retreat

Scan11 I got back yesterday around 3:30 - 4ish.  We had a wonderful time this week end.  The Club Scrap Gang really knows how to spoil you.  I will be taking pictures at some point of all the projects this week so you can see what we did.  They were very generous with their products.  Needless to say I had 3 large bags from shopping in the Pro-Shop.  They are having their Main Retreat in August, Sept and October.  Still trying to decide if I will be going or not..lol  I already know it will be TONS OF FUN!  My sister sent me pictures of my nephew, I think it was yesterday she sent them, but I couldn't open them until today.  There is on that is my favorite.  He is on a motorcycle.  I have no idea how they did this.  But isn't it just darling!  Ok.  I promise to load up some "scrapbooking" related items tomorrow.  I am beat from cleaning my craft room, cooking dinner, cleaning the rest of my house, and working on the Newsletter and the website for the store.  Hope you all have a wonderful night.  See you on the blog tomorrow.  :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How cute is this...

Park21607aFor everyone that knows me, knows my sister sends me pictures pretty much on a daily basis of my nephew "Joseph".  I was just looking through a few this one has to be my absolute favorite.  Look at that smile.  He is such a happy little man.  Doesn't it just melt your heart... Can you believe he is only 9 Months old?  Yup this little guy will be 1 in May.  I am printing this one up for a page I want to do.  I'll post it as soon as I get it done. 

I am so excited.  This week end is "Club Scrap Retreat" ...  Well a Mini one but none-the-less it is a Retreat.  I will be leaving on Friday with my best pal Iman around noonish and Check in time is 3:30ish.  We have 5 workshops and a little croppin time.  Can't wait.  I am not packing as much as I did when we were in Virginia.  However, I do have some projects I have to finish up.  Fun Fun Fun.  I can't wait!

I was "blog hoppin" today and I was reading Taylored Expressions and she had the coolest find on her blog today.  Go check it out.  Gotta get to Kohls soon...  What a great idea for the store.  :)

AMERICAN IDOL:  I think it is a little early to pick my favorite.  However I do like Chris (the one with the dark curly hair)  I think he is different.  And oh so funny.  Just have to remember that this is a Singing Competition.  Not Comedy.  But I think he is pretty good.  The guys did put on a crappy show last night.  Tonight on the other hand the women did have some ups and downs.  Loved the last girl who performed.  She seems a little shy but she definitly has the voice.  I'll remember their names later.  lol  I wonder who will get voted off.  Any ideas??? 

Until Next time.  :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Good Morning

Hmflower0001I am actually on my way out the door right now to head to work.  I have to open up this morning.  I have to stop for breakfast on my way.  I seem to never get up in enough time to eat it here. 

This is my favorite stamp in the whole wide world.  I have not found another one like this one.  My friend Barbara had this stamp and let me borrow it and I finally gave it back to her when I moved up here to New Jersey.  I searched ebay and all the stores I could for this one stamp.  With the disappointment that I can't find it.  So she mailed it back to me and gave it to me.  How sweet is that?

This card is using all Bazzill Card stock in shades of Purple.  And the ribbon, hmm..  I can't remember where I got it at.  I embossed the image in Black detailed and chalked him in.  On the inside I stamped the sentiment "You make me Smile"

Off to work now.  Have a great day! 

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

Hope you all are having a wonderful, Fun, and Romantic Day. 

Stamping:I made a couple of these on Monday.  This is one I had left over.  I love these little Mail Boxes.  I couldn't find them here in New Jersey but my Friend in Florida found them for me and mailed me 6 of them.  3 red and 3 white.  I was so excited when I got the box. :)  Thanks Barbara! 

Im001565   This is using paper by "Paper Adventures", SU Card stock, Quickutz, Icing Rubons by Quickutz.  Various Ribbons. Prima Flowers, and Making Memories Heart Brad.  Last but not least,  I used the Marvy Scalloped Square punches...

Have I mentioned that I love the Marvy Giga & Mega Punches.... 

Shopping Finds:While in Virginia I did manage to buy the McGill Tab Punch.  I have been looking for them and I finally found it.  As soon as I seen it I grabbed it and put it with my stash.  :)  This Paper with the paisleys was also a great find in Virginia.   Usually when I buy paper I buy 2 at a time, I really wish I would have bought more of this print.   

Thoughts: Today in New Jersey was a "Snow" day for most.  It was actually sleet at first,  then Snow,  Then sleet again.  And when I took Skip to potty earlier it was snowing.  The roads where a sheet of ice this morning but is slush now.  I didn't go to work, too dangerous to drive a couple cities over. 

Skip wanted to play in it.  She loves it.  One of the best things about this weather is that Skip who is very picky on where she chooses to squat, Can't tell if she is on grass/dirt or concrete.  (she usually will only go on Grass/dirt)  Kinda exciting for me cause I don't have to walk her a mile before she chooses to do her business..lol  (I know too much info..lol)


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Getting Back into...

the swing of things.  I have a few moments before I have to walk out the door to catch up.  This week end was AMAZING. 

Friday night Meet & Greet was just awsome.  I was in line to grab a snack or 2 and Ali Edwards was behind me who said I had pretty hair.  How Sweet!  I couldn't say anything but THANK YOU..  And I moved on.  What a dork...lol

Donna Downy, Ali Edwards, Danelle Johnson, & Margie Romney-Aslett gave a quick description of what they do and how they got started at the Meet & Greet..  which was very informative.  Did you know that Ali started only 5 years ago.  Wow.  That is awsome. 

I do have some pictures.  Iman is going to be emailing them to me soon.  We do have pictures with everyone.  :) 

The classes were great.  I love love love the One Year we did with Ali Edwards.  It was my favorite class.  Well worth the price.  As much as I do love Donna Downy, I wasn't really impressed with the class. 

Well it is time for me to head out the door.

More to come...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Is it Friday yet???

Are we there yet?  I am so excited to be heading down to Virginia for the Week-End.  Taking one of Ali Edwards and one of Donna Downys classes at the Get Croppin Weekend "SCRAPBOWL"... 

A couple of good friends and I are going down for the week-end.  I, on the other hand,  misplaced my list of what to bring.  So I guess I'll just play it by ear..lol 

To tie you over until I get back is the last of the card swap.  Todays Featured Artists are:  Sandy Heyrich (Left)  and Heather Heyrich (Right)  Enjoy!

Mar_sandy_heyrich Feb_heather_heyrich

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Busy Day

Today I have a lot going on.  I am heading to work, Then I have to go into the store tonight because I have a class.  And I have to come home and look through pictures and start getting ready for this week ends crop.  I am going to try to be organized...lol  yeah right.  But at least I am going to attempt it.  :)

Because I have no idea when I am getting home I am going to go ahead and load up 2 more cards from the swap.  Todays featured artists are:  Jeanne Nevin (Left)  and Grace Nevin (Right)  (Grace is Jeanne'sFeb_grace_nevin s Daughter-in-law)

Feb_jeanne_nevin The black square on Jeanne's card is an envelope.  You can put a "secret" message in it... 

Well I am off to work this morning.  Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

As Promised

As Promised here are the 2 cards that I am show casing for tonight.  They are Rita and Sara Bunk.  Rita's is on the Left.  She used "fun" colors and I love the way it turned out.  Sara did a design that is cozy.  I like the way it looks like patchwork with the stamps as stitches.  Great Job Ladies!

Feb_rita        Feb_sara_bunk Look for 2 more to be shown in tomorrows "swap" showcase! 


Too Tired

We had a great time at the meet-up.  It was such fun seeing everyone again.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the book we did last night.  Here is a picture of it:Love_book_1

Here are the inserts.  The little book measures about 2 x 3. 


Last night when I got home I started a post, but I was too tired to finish it.  So here I am before work this morning finishing it up.  Here are 2 of the cards that I received in the swap last night.  They are so cute.  I will post 2 cards a day until I show them all.  Todays feature artists are:    I will post 2 more tonight when I get home.  I am waiting on Iman to email the pics of all the projects that we created with our kit so I can show you all and post on our meet up board.

                            Sandy HeyrichFeb_sandy_heyrich                                                          Iman MakFeb_iman_mak

Sunday, February 4, 2007

You Make Me Smile

You_make_me_smile_jan_card_challen_for_f Finally Finished!  Well, almost.  I have a few more flowers to cut out.  Which I plan to do while watching TV. 

At our monthly meet up we have a card swap, where we sign up the  month prior.  Well, it is tomorrow night.  Nothing like the last minute to complete things.  :)  Which everyone knows that my creative juices don't usually flow until the day of.  This card, however, I did have an idea a week prior.. lol  I just had cut and stamp everything.  Which is tonight.. ha ha ha..  well like I said I am "almost" done.

This card uses: Three Bugs in a Rug print paper.  An old Stampin Up stamp and a new Hero Arts stamp.  Bazzill Card stock & SU Card stock clear 3D dots (flower centers) and SU Eyelets.  Ink is Pale Plum and Perfect Plum SU Classic Ink.

I will take a picture of my page kit completed layout tomorrow night and post it then. 

This is the week end that I meet Ali Edwards and Donna Downy.  I am so excited to be taking one of their classes.  AND TO SHOP...  I am taking my Ali Edwards book to have her sign it for me.  Not sure if Donna Downy has a book out there, maybe I should search for one so I can have her sign it for me..  hmmm.. 

Tonight is the Super Bowl.  It is pretty sad that I have no idea who is playing.  I want to say the Giants and the Bears.  (only because I think I read those somewheres on some folks blog)..  How pathetic am i..lol

Zman went to friends house to watch and asked if I wanted to go.  I said nah.  I needed to complete a few things for tomorrow nights meet up.  Because he isn't here tonight I had to take the dogs out to potty.  Holy Moly it is cold out there.  All that is missing is the snow. 

Lets_celebrate Here is another card I did a while back.  Very Simple.  Just stamped, embossed and I used watercolor pencils to color.  I accented with print ribbon.  and I used Liquid Pearls in Yellow, Blue and White to accent the cupcakes sprinkles, candle wax and the flame.

Gotta run and cut the rest of the flowers out and watch some law and order re-runs. 

Saturday, February 3, 2007

How do you like me now?

Last night was the Toby Keith Concert.  It was pretty good.  I didn't really care for "Flynnville Train"  They were just weird.  Miranda Lambert was a lot better.  When Toby finally came on stage the arena was "packed".  It was amazing that for so many country music fans there isn't a country music station in North Jersey/New York City area.  Well unless you have Serious XM...  The lady that was sitting in front of us with her family (mom, hubby, and son) was literally bouncing off her seat..  She had a sign that said "I've got the Honey"..  and her sons shirt stated "Proud Kid of a Honky tonk Alumni"..  Way too cute!  I didn't buy a t-shirt as they didn't have any that looked all that appealing.  I didn't take my camera in so I am hoping that Sara sends me pictures. 

Stamping/Scrapping:  I did manage to finish my "Warm Memories" mini album today.  I had a difficult time getting into it.  I guess you can say I was in a bit of a "rut".  I like it now.  This little mini album roughly measures 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 but is cut to shape.  Warm_memories_album_1You can't tell it but I did use clear stickles on top of the "WARM" to look like shining snow.  "memories" was cut out of shimmery Blue paper and I used glossy accents to give it a raised look.  The Letters and Heart were both cut using the CRICUT. The heart is popped up.  The little heart on top is a stamp from Hero Arts.  On the cover and the back cover I stamped on the blue check with coffee cups, hearts and spoons.  The handle is made of 22 gage wire and various beads.  the pages inside were all accented with stickles, Rangers Paint Dabbers, and ribbon.  The wire is attached to the last page so that you see the steam coming from your favorite cup through each page. 

I really enjoyed making this book.  I hope my students enjoy it as well. 

Monday night is our meet-up which I still have to finish up my card swap plus ad a picture to my Memories Club Kit.  And I have to get the supplies together for our "meet up" Project.  Not sure what meet up is:  go to www.meetup.com  our group is called "The Clifton Scrapbooking Meetup Group".  You can also search for one in your area if you are not near us here in New Jersey. 

OK it is getting really late and I am a bit tired.  Will post my Card for the swap as well as my page for the Memories Kit Club. 

Thursday, February 1, 2007


I am so fortunate to have some great friends.  You know how you have those Best friends from Child hood.  My best friend from Alabama (her name is Brandie) We met in 6th grade and was best friends for so long.  However being that I joined the Navy a year after I graduated from high school and ended up in Florida for 10 years we seem to have lost that great connection that we once had.  For so long I missed that special bond that connected us.  Of course I have had and still have other friends from Alabama.  In Florida I really hadn't met someone that I could bond with like that. Until I was introduced to Rubber stamping and Scrapbooking.  Then it seemed to have opened a black hole filled with so many great people.     Friendship_card_ctmh_1

Anyway this card is for all the special peeps I have met along the way.... 

This card uses:  Bazzill card stock, CTMH stamps, Marvy Scalloped Punches, Ribbon, Stampin Up Ink.  and Stickles(Fruit punch, and clear)

Hope you all enjoy!

I am sitting here listening to my IPOD, Pearl Jam.  I really like this song "Black" Acoustic is what it says on the screen.  I really like the beat.  A little mellow.  Easy listening.  I actually have my ipod shuffling through the songs which varies from Kid Rock, Pearl Jam, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Dixie Chix, Josh Groban, Il Divo..  What a variety right?  I even have some Christmas music on here.  I guess I should have Zman take it off... for now.  :) 

Is it Thursday or Friday.  I feel as though it should be Friday.  hmmm well I am off to dream land..  Maybe watch some Law and Order re-runs for a little down time.