Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Too Tired

We had a great time at the meet-up.  It was such fun seeing everyone again.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the book we did last night.  Here is a picture of it:Love_book_1

Here are the inserts.  The little book measures about 2 x 3. 


Last night when I got home I started a post, but I was too tired to finish it.  So here I am before work this morning finishing it up.  Here are 2 of the cards that I received in the swap last night.  They are so cute.  I will post 2 cards a day until I show them all.  Todays feature artists are:    I will post 2 more tonight when I get home.  I am waiting on Iman to email the pics of all the projects that we created with our kit so I can show you all and post on our meet up board.

                            Sandy HeyrichFeb_sandy_heyrich                                                          Iman MakFeb_iman_mak

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