Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How cute is this...

Park21607aFor everyone that knows me, knows my sister sends me pictures pretty much on a daily basis of my nephew "Joseph".  I was just looking through a few this one has to be my absolute favorite.  Look at that smile.  He is such a happy little man.  Doesn't it just melt your heart... Can you believe he is only 9 Months old?  Yup this little guy will be 1 in May.  I am printing this one up for a page I want to do.  I'll post it as soon as I get it done. 

I am so excited.  This week end is "Club Scrap Retreat" ...  Well a Mini one but none-the-less it is a Retreat.  I will be leaving on Friday with my best pal Iman around noonish and Check in time is 3:30ish.  We have 5 workshops and a little croppin time.  Can't wait.  I am not packing as much as I did when we were in Virginia.  However, I do have some projects I have to finish up.  Fun Fun Fun.  I can't wait!

I was "blog hoppin" today and I was reading Taylored Expressions and she had the coolest find on her blog today.  Go check it out.  Gotta get to Kohls soon...  What a great idea for the store.  :)

AMERICAN IDOL:  I think it is a little early to pick my favorite.  However I do like Chris (the one with the dark curly hair)  I think he is different.  And oh so funny.  Just have to remember that this is a Singing Competition.  Not Comedy.  But I think he is pretty good.  The guys did put on a crappy show last night.  Tonight on the other hand the women did have some ups and downs.  Loved the last girl who performed.  She seems a little shy but she definitly has the voice.  I'll remember their names later.  lol  I wonder who will get voted off.  Any ideas??? 

Until Next time.  :)

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