Thursday, March 29, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Cover Home Sweet Home...  This mini-book was made for my Mom and her new home.  I used wild asparagus "Home Sweet Home" paper and title with their flowers that match the set.  The ribbon is by May Arts.  It all blends so well together.  The book base is counter top tiles from Home Depot and I just hung them on a ring.  The ring came from Wal-Mart $.96 for 5 or 6 rings... 

***Not much went on today.  Had kind of a boring day.  You know the sort..  the kind that you have so much to do but don't feel like doing it...  Yep that was me..   Enjoy the book.  Off to bed***

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Im001331Here is a page I did of my niece vicky and my step-father David.  The paper I used was Wild asparagus, bazzill, and some hand dyed paper.  Making memories Chipboard numbers.  I like the negative and the positive look.  Pretty cool.  The flowers are from Prima.   The letters I used for "rock city, tn" are from Technique Tuesday.  The ribbon is various from my stash and some hand dyed ribbon as well. 

I really love Technique Tuesdays stamps.  They are so easy to use and to store.  Needless to say that when we first opened the store I didn't even own any clear stamps.  Now I have what seems like millions.  lol 

I did watch American Idol tonight.  I AM SHOCKED THAT HE IS STILL ON THERE.  Chris Sligh is by far a much better singer than Sanjaya.  They have to be keeping him on there for the attention the younger crowd is bringing the American Idol show.  It is the only solution I can possibly think of.   

My niece Luna was here last night, before we went to dinner we chatted a bit with her.  It is so cute to listen to an almost 2 year old speak Spanish and English.  She is so smart.  She was asking where the ball was and then she answered that the cat must have ate it...  but she said it in Spanish.  How cute is that...... 

We have had nice weather.  Yesterday it was in the 70's and today it was in the 60's.  Lets hope tomorrow is nice as well. 

I am off to bed now.  Nighty Night 

Great News

I have some great news.  Our Store runs and hosts a monthly meetup group called  "The Clifton Scrapbooking Meetup Group".  On Friday March 23rd I got an email from a representative of the Martha Stewart Show stating that they want our meet up group to be part of the audience in May.  They are going to have all scrapbookers in the audience and wanted to know if we would be interested.  Hello...  Yeah we are interested.  Its not everyday that you get a special inviation to attend a special show dedicated to scrapbooking!  So excited here..  I called Jeanne (my business partner) and told her about it and asked her how many tickets should we request and she said.  ahh well atleaste  ha ha..  HOW COOL IS THAT?  I wonder who her special guest is going to be..   :) 

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Flower_vase Got some creative juices flowing today!  Here is one of the cards I did.  It is using Hero Arts Rubber stamps.  I stamped in Black Stazon and colored with prisma colored pencils.  Blended with Gamsol.  I did use the crystal lacquer pens and filled in the dots on the vase and the center of the flowers to give it some dimension.  The paper is using DCWV assorted cards.  (again) 

Wet_dog_2  How cute is that face.  She just got her bath!

Make a Wish

Make_a_wish This card was simple to make.  I used a pre-made card by DCWV Assorted box of cards.  It had the polka-dots already on there.  I used crystal lacquer on top of various dots to give it a little dimension.  I also put CL on top of the cupcake. You can't see it in the picture.  The stamp is from the $1 spot at Michaels.  Love those.  The ribbon is from SU!.  Colored the Cupcake with Prisma-colored pencils and Gamsol.

Last night (well early this morning) when I posted the What little boys are made of card I was so tired.  My husband and I just got in from hanging out with some friends.  We had a great time again.  We went to dinner (nothing fancy) just the Chinese buffet.  Then we walked around the corner to the Theater where we seen "300".  Come to find out that last week-end when we went we only missed the first 15 min and the last 1/2 hour.  So we sat thru the whole movie again.  It was a good movie.  If you like that type of wars and queens and kings..  It's not my favorite type but I'll watch it.  I really want to see "premonition".  Maybe next week. 

Today is the day for the dogs to get their baths.  They didn't know what hit  Poor skip is laying at my feet still damp a little but I know she feels better.  Nothing like a clean smelling dog..  lol  I should take a picture of them while they are wet..  Pour babies are shivering.  I turned the heat on for them.  shhhh don't tell hubby... he he..

Ok I am off to do something creative.  I promise I am not going to clean my room.  I am actually going to stamp today!   

Saturday, March 24, 2007

What little Boys Made of REDONE

Little_boys_redone I was able to sit down and finish this up today.  I think the ribbon looks alot better.  Thanks for the ideas Denise and Rita!

What do you think now?  I have some other cards to load up.  I will do that tomorrow.  Hope you all enjoy them. 

Right now i am so tired.  I am heading to bed.  Will give you full report of my day tomorrow.

nighty night.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Anna_little_boys_made_of Just a quick post before I run out the door.  This card was made using CTMH stamps.  And Making Memories Paper.  The stitching around the Train is using Technique Tuesday Stamps set. 

It needs something else though.  Maybe Ribbon.  I'll try that when I get home tonight.

Any Suggestions???

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patties day!!

Heather_heyrich_luck Well I do realize I am a bit late.  I was actually planning on stamping/scrapbooking yesterday.  But DH and I called up some friends ended up going to lunch at the diner.  Then we headed into the city to walk around Central Park.  Our friends kids went ice skating and they had a great time.  Then we went to the movies to watched Music & Lyrics.  It was good.  I don't think it is the best movie out there.  But it has its cute parts.. :)  Oh and we stopped at this hot dog place and got $1 hot dogs on our way home.  The best!  Didn't get home until after midnight.  I was so worried about our dogs.  I couldn't remember if I locked the cage before I left.  We keep them in when we are not here, it keeps them out of   We came home to find out that I didn't lock the cage.  They were really good.  Didn't get into the trash or did they potty in the house.  I guess we came home in the nick of  Ever since we moved up here from Florida Skip (the beagle) and Adora (the rotty) seemed to have forgotten that they don't potty in the house.  Hence the reason we had to go out and by an XL Cage.  They stay in the same one.  Skip is more comfortable that way than by herself.  Of course the cat torments them by prancing around their area like nah nah na-nah    I love my babies.. 

Today I got up and cleaned my scrapbook room.  I am having to downsize big time.  I have too much stuff.  So I managed to go through more boxes and ended up throwing away two huge hefty bags.  I have a couple more boxes to go through but I won't do that until a later time.  You have to be in the mood for that type of work you know. hehe..  My method is:  If I haven't used it in a year then evidently I don't need it.  You know the feeling,  You really don't want to look through that box that you haven't opened in God knows how long because you will start thinking as you put the lid back on "I am going to need this"  And then a year later you go back to that same box...  Still untouched from the previous time you looked thru 

If you have any "easy" methods or organizing please let me know.  I find that if I don't see my stuff I don't use it.  What works for you???

STAMPING RELATED:  The card above is another one I received from the "Clifton Scrapbooking Meet Up" Card Swap.  The designer is:  Heather Heyrich

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snow Day

For those of you who don't live in Northern New Jersey, We had a Wintery Storm.  It snowed, sleet, iced,  all day yesterday and into the early morning.  Not sure when it stopped.  But it did.  We are taking a snow day today at the store.  Which is good, because now I can spend some time with my hubby.  The sad part is that my camera is at my husbands friends house.  I am going to have him buy film for the Nikon (that isn't digital) camera.  So I can at least have some pictures of hopefully the last snow of the season.  Don't get me wrong.  I love Cold weather.  My thing is, is that you can always layer up but you can't take it all off.  Well you could,  but you could get into trouble in public.. he he..  The snow is beautiful until the first car passes thru it or ther are foot prints.  Then it is just slush.  SLUSHIE ANYONE.. ha ha..  :)

Well have a great day and I plan on scrappin and stampin the day away.  :)  Will post some later tonight.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lenee_gordon_birthday This card was made by Lenee Gordon.  Isn't it just beautiful.  I love the different print papers.  This card was one of the swap cards I received at "The Clifton Meet Up Group".  Thanks Lenee.  I really enjoy this card and I don't want to give it to anyone.  I think I may just keep it in my collection  Well maybe I'll use it one day.  :)

American Idol:  please please vote off Sanjaya.  It is time for him to go.  I just can't believe he made it into the top 12.  I have to say that tonight my favorite were:  Lakeisha, Jordin, &  Melinda.  Sorry guys you weren't a favorite tonight.  Truthfully Sanjaya needs to go period..... 

Thats all for tonight.  More to come on the blog tomorrow.  :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Long Week End

Rita_like_no_udder How cute is this card.  This card was made by a good friend and a great stamper Rita.  This card was one of the cards in the "meet up group" card swap.  I love the pink and the brown. 

I know I haven't written anything in a couple days.  I have had the most relaxing week end.  I had a class on Friday night, which turned out great.  Was done by 8pm.  Came home and settled in for the night.  Saturday morning I did laundry, picked up my atg gun from Imans (I forgot it over at her place last week end)  made a quick stop at Michaels and stopped at the hair salon and got my hair chopped off.  Yep I got it a couple inches down from my ears.  Came home cleaned out my dresser drawers and put the clothes away, cleaned the rest of the house.  Watched TV, surfed the Internet, watched more TV.  This morning I got up and took care of the dogs and tidied up a bit, and I made my bed.  Afterwords, I went back to bed and watched TV.  I have been switching from the couch-to my bed.  Watching TV and every now and then catching up on the Internet. The last couple of weeks have been busy with work and being out of town.  I guess I needed a week end of doing absolutely nothing..  I really wanted to do some stamping this week end but ended up not.  I guess we all know how that goes. right? 

Enjoy the card...

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Diana_links_celebrate This card was made by Diana Links.  This is one of the cards I received in the March Card swap of "The Clifton scrapbooking Meetup Group"  It amazes me at how she combines Rhonna Farrah Stamps, Stampin' Up Stamps, Rangers Adirondack Color Wash, Paint Dabbers, Sewing and more and it looks beautiful in person. 

Have you guys seen the "CANDY DISH" on Denise Bryants Blog.  All you have to do is have an extra card lying around and mail it to Tanya.  Go here for the details..   

Today I aimed to do some serious stamping at the store today but ended up sidetracked with my NEW laptop.  I was blog hoppin all 

Warning for all you guys who surf Splitcoast stampers..  Read this.  click here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Not too much going on here today.  I waited on UPS all day for them to deliver my new laptop.  :)  yippee.  DH said he is going to take all my stuff off my desk top.  We will see about that.  I HAVE A LOT OF STUFF ON THERE.  2 YEARS OF STUFF...LOL  Scans, pictures, tons of ideas i saved, documents, and A LOT of HOW TOO's..  I have nothing to scan to show you tonight as I am typing from bed.. he he.. 

We had our Clifton Scrapbooking meet-up group tonight.  Had a great time.   We completed an acrylic frame note pad holder.  Had our little card swap.  Last but not least we did our little show and tell of the monthly kits.  We had a great time.  I did manage to make it home in enough time to watch the last 30 min of American Idol. 

American Idol:  Tonight was the guys night.  I really think that Sanjiah (however you spell his name) needs to go.  My guy, Chris Sligh was pretty good.  Not as good as he can do but he did ok..  I think of the fella's I like Chris Sligh and Sundance.  (I probably butchered their names)

Thats all for now.  More to report tomorrow.  :)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

wooo hooo

Look at my #'s to the left.  It is at 229.  Just a couple weeks ago I was at 513.  I know, I know.  The littlest things amaze  I don't have any thing to show you today.  This one I did a while ago but I had it scanned in my computer.  Get_well_soon

Ok I am off to Iman's house to scrapbook.  I have to get some things done  I know if I sit here at home I'll probably take a nap.  clean this or do that..   Thats all for now folks.  Have a great day!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

One Year

As Promised this is the Ali Edwards class I took in February.  Darn it I forgot to take a picture of the bottom of the box.  SHE SIGNED IT!!!  Get_croppin_ali_edwards_class_1

The box is by Creative Imagination.  And it does come with the little books in it.  The number strip for the book spines is by 7Gypsies.  The paper was a variety from Basic GreyAli_edwards_class_get_croppin_2, Chatterbox and more I can't think of.  The chipboard letters on the cover of the box is from Heidi Swap.  We painted the box with cream colored acrylic paint.  The paint was from Deco (I think that is the name...  I am sure you can figure out that it is the more economical acrylic paint to use in a class of that size : )  ) On the cover it I did put mod podge on it.  That was optional.  I am usually the worst at modge podge.  I have to keep messing with it.  NO PATIENCE HERE.  I need the instant  I just keep brushing and brushing and brushing.  Well you get  So I only did the cover not the entire

If given the opportunity again I definitely would take another one of her classes.  She is a great instructor and with the size (more than 50 people)  of the class she had control on what was going on from the front to the back of the room.  And she worked the room too.  She chatted with everyone.  A funny story:  The lady sitting behind me wanted her picture taken.  Not with Ali Edwards.  But By Ali  She wanted Ali to take a picture of her working on one Year box just so she can say.  Ali took this  How cute it that?

Did you know that if you use a computer to type your journaling for your scrapbook pages that you are a "Bi-Scraptual" without really being a digital scrapbooker..  lol  Donna Downy Told us that at the Get Croppin Scrapbowl. 

Have a great day!