Sunday, March 11, 2007

Long Week End

Rita_like_no_udder How cute is this card.  This card was made by a good friend and a great stamper Rita.  This card was one of the cards in the "meet up group" card swap.  I love the pink and the brown. 

I know I haven't written anything in a couple days.  I have had the most relaxing week end.  I had a class on Friday night, which turned out great.  Was done by 8pm.  Came home and settled in for the night.  Saturday morning I did laundry, picked up my atg gun from Imans (I forgot it over at her place last week end)  made a quick stop at Michaels and stopped at the hair salon and got my hair chopped off.  Yep I got it a couple inches down from my ears.  Came home cleaned out my dresser drawers and put the clothes away, cleaned the rest of the house.  Watched TV, surfed the Internet, watched more TV.  This morning I got up and took care of the dogs and tidied up a bit, and I made my bed.  Afterwords, I went back to bed and watched TV.  I have been switching from the couch-to my bed.  Watching TV and every now and then catching up on the Internet. The last couple of weeks have been busy with work and being out of town.  I guess I needed a week end of doing absolutely nothing..  I really wanted to do some stamping this week end but ended up not.  I guess we all know how that goes. right? 

Enjoy the card...

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