Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patties day!!

Heather_heyrich_luck Well I do realize I am a bit late.  I was actually planning on stamping/scrapbooking yesterday.  But DH and I called up some friends ended up going to lunch at the diner.  Then we headed into the city to walk around Central Park.  Our friends kids went ice skating and they had a great time.  Then we went to the movies to watched Music & Lyrics.  It was good.  I don't think it is the best movie out there.  But it has its cute parts.. :)  Oh and we stopped at this hot dog place and got $1 hot dogs on our way home.  The best!  Didn't get home until after midnight.  I was so worried about our dogs.  I couldn't remember if I locked the cage before I left.  We keep them in when we are not here, it keeps them out of   We came home to find out that I didn't lock the cage.  They were really good.  Didn't get into the trash or did they potty in the house.  I guess we came home in the nick of  Ever since we moved up here from Florida Skip (the beagle) and Adora (the rotty) seemed to have forgotten that they don't potty in the house.  Hence the reason we had to go out and by an XL Cage.  They stay in the same one.  Skip is more comfortable that way than by herself.  Of course the cat torments them by prancing around their area like nah nah na-nah    I love my babies.. 

Today I got up and cleaned my scrapbook room.  I am having to downsize big time.  I have too much stuff.  So I managed to go through more boxes and ended up throwing away two huge hefty bags.  I have a couple more boxes to go through but I won't do that until a later time.  You have to be in the mood for that type of work you know. hehe..  My method is:  If I haven't used it in a year then evidently I don't need it.  You know the feeling,  You really don't want to look through that box that you haven't opened in God knows how long because you will start thinking as you put the lid back on "I am going to need this"  And then a year later you go back to that same box...  Still untouched from the previous time you looked thru 

If you have any "easy" methods or organizing please let me know.  I find that if I don't see my stuff I don't use it.  What works for you???

STAMPING RELATED:  The card above is another one I received from the "Clifton Scrapbooking Meet Up" Card Swap.  The designer is:  Heather Heyrich

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