Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Not too much going on here today.  I waited on UPS all day for them to deliver my new laptop.  :)  yippee.  DH said he is going to take all my stuff off my desk top.  We will see about that.  I HAVE A LOT OF STUFF ON THERE.  2 YEARS OF STUFF...LOL  Scans, pictures, tons of ideas i saved, documents, and A LOT of HOW TOO's..  I have nothing to scan to show you tonight as I am typing from bed.. he he.. 

We had our Clifton Scrapbooking meet-up group tonight.  Had a great time.   We completed an acrylic frame note pad holder.  Had our little card swap.  Last but not least we did our little show and tell of the monthly kits.  We had a great time.  I did manage to make it home in enough time to watch the last 30 min of American Idol. 

American Idol:  Tonight was the guys night.  I really think that Sanjiah (however you spell his name) needs to go.  My guy, Chris Sligh was pretty good.  Not as good as he can do but he did ok..  I think of the fella's I like Chris Sligh and Sundance.  (I probably butchered their names)

Thats all for now.  More to report tomorrow.  :)

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