Sunday, April 1, 2007

Just Buggy....

Bug_hammock_1 Yesterday I didn't work at the store.  (Stampingly Yours)  My hubby filled in while I was away for the day.  He was a a great help.  I had to work at my day/part time job until 1pm and then my business Partner and dear friend Jeanne and I went to a stamp show in Pennsaukken.  (however you spell  Mainly to see Inky Antics and friends.  We me the owner Tom.  Who we also met last year when we went to the same show just a different location.  He was kind enough last year to give us catalogs even though we didn't have any paperwork to show that we are a business..  And this year he let us pick right off the shelf.  What a nice company.  They are filled with so many samples that just makes you want to go home and create it just like they have it.  We had a great time. 

The card above was CASED by one of their samples they had.  Today I just wanted to stamp and I didn't want to have to think up a design.  I am sure you all had those kind of days where you just wanted to create but not think think  Plus I had and still have a headache brewing in my head.  But I really wanted to stamp. 

I bought some other stamps yesterday as well.  Wait until you see what I have in mind for them. 

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