Monday, July 9, 2007

Bella ATC's and Adora


Here is the last of my ATC Bella Swap.  YAY!  I am glad to be done with these so I can now do some big cards stamping..  :)  These images were stamped for me by Bonnie,  we kinda did a little exchange..  She wanted some house-mouse images and I wanted some Bella's.  :)  Thanks Bonnie love the images!  If you haven't checked out her blog go do so..  She and her family are being MADE by MTV.  Which is due to be aired this fall if I am not mistaking.. 

Come back later tonight for the DRAWING..  My husband is in Columbus, NM so I think I am going to call him and have him pick a #...  instead of me actually writing out the names and drawing one.  I don't suppose ADORA can draw one for me.  :)  here is a picture of Adora on the couch.  (she knows she wasn't suppose to be up there but who could get mad..  look how cute she is...) she got down after the photo shoot.  Just because my husband is away she thinks she can get by with murder...  I love my babies.  Adora is 8 years old now..  Until later tonight..  Happy Blog Hoppin'!


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