Friday, July 6, 2007


OK HERE GOES!  Are you ready for this??? 

Img_0004 Included in this package is:  K-OLOGY 6 x 6 Addison Paper Pad by K&Company, 4 spools of ribbon, 1 Reflections Ribbon Bobbin that says "you are my sunshine", 1 Alphaletterz by provo craft (96 pieces of 2 1/2 Chipboard in Bush Express Seaside), Whats blog candy w/out the Bling... Me & My Big Ideas Icons of Crowns for the StampnScrappin Queen, and last but not least 5 stamps as shown in the picture. 

To get this beautiful package all you have to do is leave a comment and tell me what you enjoy most about the summer months?  On Monday Night I'll print out everyone's name and draw one lucky winner. 

I enjoy the the cooking on the grill and the flowers.  Every week-end (or every other at least) my in laws all meet out back either on Saturday or Sunday and cook Hot dogs, hamburgers, Chicken, Steak, and my favorite "corn-on-the-cob" on the grill.  The flowers are just pretty, my favorite are the Gerber Daisy's.  I have a weakness for them!  Now time for you to tell me yours?


  1. I'm first to respond? Great blog candy! I love not sleeping under the covers, well, that's almost year round for us in TEXAS! I also love having starbucks frappacinos because it's too hot to have hot cofee

  2. I'm first to respond? Great blog candy! I love not sleeping under the covers, well, that's almost year round for us in TEXAS! I also love having starbucks frappacinos because it's too hot to have hot cofee

  3. I love sleeping in and not rushing my kids off to school early in the morning. I also use the summer as time to re-decorate and do all my household painting projects {this year it's my bedroom and bath}.

  4. I too love the flowers. I also love going up to the lake and have lazy days in the cabin. I also love that my husband is home more during the summer since he isn't teaching.

  5. I absolutely love the summer time!!! It is my favorite time of year. I love cookouts and crab feast with friends on Saturdays. Then on Sundays we go to the local park for FREE evening concerts.

  6. I love being able to take my 16-month girl outside to play and splash in water and get the energy OUT! :)

  7. I love being able to take my 16-month girl outside to play and splash in water and get the energy OUT! :)

  8. I love being able to take my 16-month girl outside to play and splash in water and get the energy OUT! :)

  9. I love being able to walk early (5 a.m.) and have it be light with cool air, birds singing, space to myself. I also love the flowers and most of all fresh produce...especially tomatoes!

  10. My favorite thing about summer is that it's WARM! I am naturally a very cold person, so I'm wrapped in a blanket for most of the year. In the summer, I can actually wear shorts and a t-shirt and be comfortable!

  11. Awesome candy!
    I like the long days of light in the summer. Winters are long and dark here in the north. I drink in the summer light and it sustains me.

  12. Whatwonderful blog candy? My favorite part of summer are the long days and warm nights. Or at least on Southern Cal - the absolutely perfect nights!

  13. Summer is my favorite!!! We spend many weekend days sitting on the beach, chatting with whomever has come back home ...catching up on a year's worth of life. Then enjoying/sharing a pot of boiled shrimp for dinner, no hurries, no problems. Unfortunately, Monday comes all to soon.

  14. I enjoy just the laziness of summer, schedules seem to get put on the back burner. I also enjoy working in my garden.

  15. I'm not a winter person. I love the new life that spring brings, the green, the baby animals, the colors in the flowers. I need green! I need color! As long as I have A/C, I can enjoy the heat of the summer and then go inside to cool off. Luuuuv summer! :)
    Karen L.

  16. I love being at home with my family rather than away at university.

  17. I love the summer light, it's wonderful to have so much more daylight than at wintertime.

  18. You have a wonderful blog ! I love most the smell of the cool summer night air and the sound of the crickets.

  19. AWESOME blog candy...gotta love swimming in the summer and fresh fruits!! :)

  20. What great blog candy! WOW!
    My favorite things of summer is the long sunny days and evening walks at the park with my kids stopping for an ice cream cone.

  21. I love the laid-back lifestyle of summer. Enjoying the outdoors and anything water related.

  22. I also love the barbecueing! The taste is so good and you really only get this in the summer months, if you live in a cooler climate. The other thing I like is the ice cream, I never love it much in the winter, only the summer. Everything is so green and pretty.

  23. Hi!! Awesome candy! I think what I love most about Summer is that the sun is out much later. I love to sit out front after the kids are in bed and just enjoy the coolness, the lightning bugs and the quiet.

  24. In the summer, I enjoy going over to mom and dad's house and go swimming. I've done this every summer since I was born, and now I can take my daughter there to swim too!

  25. Airconditioning!!!

  26. I enjoy just getting to relax. I'm a teacher so summer for me is about spending time with family, traveling, relaxing and reading. Oh Yeah= and stamping! Great candy!

  27. Our family enjoys camping and going to the lake.

  28. "Summer time and the living is easy..."
    - just being lazy, sitting on the front porch with a good book and glass of ice tea or whatever suits the mood.

  29. I love that it stays light forevr, and that you can play,play,play with the kids outside!

  30. I love walking on the beach and feel the sea smell....the wind...also love to hear the birds.

  31. hi anna!
    what i love about summer is walks on the beach and bbqs! :)

  32. My favorite thing about the summer months is the sunshine, warm weather, barbecues, listening to the birds, fresh fruits & veggies & watching the boats go out. Living near the lake & beach, summer is always a busy time in my town. I also love that it doesn't get dark until around 9 pm now days.
    Thanks for a chance to win some awesome goodies.

  33. I love not having a schedule. With the kids out of school we can do whatever we want whenever we want. We can follow our whims and act on our impulses, which is nice and very relaxing.

  34. I love not having a schedule. With the kids out of school we can do whatever we want whenever we want. We can follow our whims and act on our impulses, which is nice and very relaxing.

  35. I love not having a schedule. With the kids out of school we can do whatever we want whenever we want. We can follow our whims and act on our impulses, which is nice and very relaxing.

  36. I love not having a schedule. With the kids out of school we can do whatever we want whenever we want. We can follow our whims and act on our impulses, which is nice and very relaxing.

  37. I love the long days, fresh fruits and vegetables and I enjoy working in my flower garden. I wish it would last longer, however summer is too short in Southern Ontario!

  38. Great blog candy!!
    I don't enjoy the summer very much now that I live in the south. It's just too hot. Growing up in Michigan though my family spent a lot of the summer camping. I loved the long days at the lake and cooking campfire dinners. The nights cooling down and sitting around the fire making smores. My parents still camp and last summer 4 y/o DD and I visited and she was able to experience camping for the first time.

  39. I'm loving having time off from teaching & actually getting some SCRAPPING done!!!

  40. Hi Anna,
    I love the summer season, and here in Massachusetts it is the shortest season. I love the warmth, to be outside and unfettered by a coat; I love the way time does seem stretched, perhaps because the days are longer and there is a more relaxed feel to things. It is a lovely time of year.

  41. I love so many things about summer, but the absolute best thing is being able to head outside without having to put on multiple layers of clothing, a jacket, shoes, gloves...

  42. All the summer fruits and the warmer weather. That's what I love about summer. I know it's not very original...

  43. WOW! Great Candy! My favorite part of summer months is that school is out!...and camping...and baseball...and fireworks....I could really go on and on!

  44. Im looking forward to taking our 2.5 and 1 year old boys camping for the first time!!!

  45. What I love about summer is going to the different festivals in the surrounding towns. I really look forward to the ethnic festival every summer:)

  46. What I love about summer is going to the different festivals in the surrounding towns. I really look forward to the ethnic festival every summer:)

  47. What I love about summer is going to the different festivals in the surrounding towns. I really look forward to the ethnic festival every summer:)

  48. What I love about summer is going to the different festivals in the surrounding towns. I really look forward to the ethnic festival every summer:)

  49. What I love about summer is going to the different festivals in the surrounding towns. I really look forward to the ethnic festival every summer:)

  50. What I love about summer is going to the different festivals in the surrounding towns. I really look forward to the ethnic festival every summer:)

  51. Whoo Hoo...What sweet candy you are sharing with your readers. Count me in on this. I love the summer for the long days, smell of fresh cut grass, and food cooked out on the grill. Thanks for a chance.

  52. what I enjoy most is being without a schedule...I like to just wake up and say, OK let's do this today! Great blog candy, TFS!

  53. I love planting my window boxes. Also, my schedule is a lot less hectic so it allows me time to do what I love most, scrapbooking and stamping! Yeah!

  54. Being that I am a summer baby, I absolutely LOVE the summer.
    My favorite part is that I get to stamp outdoors, and get to go to the beach.
    I love the beach, it's relaxing and fun!
    Of course I love BBQ's too, but now that I have to restrict my diet,,, food events are no longer on the top of my list!
    FANTASTIC blog candy by the way! WOOHOO!

  55. I enjoy not having to get up early and rushing to get everyone out the door every morning.

  56. I love that my husband is home during the summer to help with the baby and getting things done around the house! :)

  57. I love summer.... The beach, the pools, the ice cream (always better in the summer), I get up Early, stay up late and just love to chill out.. My favorite flower is the Sunflower because I can remember my mom growing them so tall along her fence. Oh, do I miss her & them. It seems that I just love life - it's too short not to... You've got a great blog and wonderful ideas - Keep 'em coming Girl!!!
    Barb S

  58. Summer means walks on the beach, green grass, bright flowers, popsicles, friends and vacation from college and more time to scrap!!! Thanks for offering treats.

  59. Ohhh Anna, nice blog candy!! I love summer for it's relaxing pace and carefreeness. I always feel like life slows down a bit.

  60. I love summer - in fact I love all seasons with NO SNOW. Sure, it's pretty & all...I just hate driving in the stuff. Best part of summer is heading to the lake with a car full of grandchildren:)

  61. Great blog candy..and great blog!!
    I LOVE the long days in the summer and watermelon!!
    Good luck everyone!!

  62. Great giveaway!!!
    For me, summer is all about good times. I am my healthiest in the summer. Fresh air, fresh fruit, relaxed pace, lots more exercise - I love the summer.

  63. The best about summer is being able to play outside with my son and going swimming :)
    I hate being stuck inside during winter freezing cold, like I am now beacuse its winter here in Asotralia and raining :(

  64. LOVE watching the kids kayak and fish the river with hubby, (babe's smiles are ALWAYS bigger in summer) then barbequing fish, if any, and enjoying a summer evening, sun-kissed and worn out. Can't get that kind of workout in winter.

  65. Hey I know I'm a little late but it is summer and I did just get a new pool I love it

  66. I enjoy going out on my dad's lake and fishing, then coming in and cooking the fish that night. I think they just taste better fresh and not frozen. Also all my kids are home and we enjoy the family stuff. Great blog!! PT

  67. I love summer because I can have my grandkids here and we play on the trampoline, do the slip & slide, swim in the above ground pool, play crochet, or games on the picnic table ...they think we have the Great "Grama" (instead of America) Adventure Park

  68. Summer momths...I enjoy the daylight! It's light when I get up and light when I go to bed (sometimes). I love that we can eat outside and watch the sporting events outside and need sunglasses! I love that the kids can play outside in the evenings!

  69. I had no idea what 'Blog Candy' was until I saw this. It's pretty COOL! What I like about summer is being able to wear less clothes, walk around with sandals (or NO SHOES!) on, and being able to play outside with my daughter. AND I agree with Denise W., It's great to have more hours of daylight to enjoy!

  70. The thing I love most is getting to hang out with my friends and neighbors. No one is out nights in winter. But during the summer since its light out longer we all get together and talk and its so much fun! Plus we have bbq's and get togethers alot more.
    P.S. What wonderful blog candy, thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

  71. The thing I love most is getting to hang out with my friends and neighbors. No one is out nights in winter. But during the summer since its light out longer we all get together and talk and its so much fun! Plus we have bbq's and get togethers alot more.
    P.S. What wonderful blog candy, thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

  72. The thing I love most is getting to hang out with my friends and neighbors. No one is out nights in winter. But during the summer since its light out longer we all get together and talk and its so much fun! Plus we have bbq's and get togethers alot more.
    P.S. What wonderful blog candy, thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

  73. The thing I love most is getting to hang out with my friends and neighbors. No one is out nights in winter. But during the summer since its light out longer we all get together and talk and its so much fun! Plus we have bbq's and get togethers alot more.
    P.S. What wonderful blog candy, thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

  74. The thing I love most is getting to hang out with my friends and neighbors. No one is out nights in winter. But during the summer since its light out longer we all get together and talk and its so much fun! Plus we have bbq's and get togethers alot more.
    P.S. What wonderful blog candy, thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

  75. The thing I love most is getting to hang out with my friends and neighbors. No one is out nights in winter. But during the summer since its light out longer we all get together and talk and its so much fun! Plus we have bbq's and get togethers alot more.
    P.S. What wonderful blog candy, thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

  76. NO SNOW!!!!! No heavy coats and sweaters. Love cooking on the grill (partly because my DH does it, but it also tastes so good!!) Fresh tomatos and corn on the cob!!

  77. I like the BBQ and the pool.

  78. Sleeping in
    Spending alot of time with my son, just the 2 of us
    Eating watermelon
    Going to the beach
    Grilling hamburgers
    Sweat tea when it's really hot outside
    Last but not least, SUNSHINE!

  79. Being outside with my neighbors, enjoying their company and watching our kids play together "on the street" ~ just like I did as a kid.

  80. I hve to BBQ and I NEED that BBQ stamp to complete my collection of new stamps! lol
