Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sharing you with Me

Can you believe it is December already?  I can't beleive how time is flying by.  I guess what they say is true then..  "Time does fly when your having fun!"..  :)  Well atleast when you are busy.  Work has been nuts this past month.  But I don't mind it.  I just wish it wasn't so dark when I leave from work. 

This morning I got up to take Skip, my dog, out to potty and it was freezing.  I love this weather, but must, must, must get my jackets out of storage in the basement.  It's freezing outside suppose to get some snow tomorrow. 

Here is a card I made a fairly New Stampendous's stamp...  I love sunflowers and this was right up my ally.  I put googlie eyes on the cute Owl.  There is a little sparkle to the flower due to the glitter glue I put on there.  What's a card without some glitz.. How fitting is the saying?  That is from a Stampin' Up Stamp set.  I just love it.

112507_pictures_041 Enjoy your week end.  I hope to have a productive stamping day today.  First I have to run some errands and then straiten up this house. 

Thursday, November 29, 2007

#3 and #4 Christmas Card's

The class was a hit.  I have an extra kit that I am going to put together hopefully this week-end.  I have plans that my husband don't know about.  he he he..  I want to go visit the tree at Rockefeller Center  and I want a date night with a movie. 

Here are the other 2 cards.  Enjoy!

112507_pictures_045 112507_pictures_042

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas Card #2: Presentabella

Now this little lady is just plain adorable.

112507_pictures_044  I really like how the ribbon coordinates with the image. 

This is card #2 of my class on Wednesday.  There are 4 cards total and everyone will make 5 of each design.  I know I am probably going to kick my self because I am doing this for the low low price of $30 a person.  That is a total of 20 cards for $30.  I am cutting all the paper now.  :) 

Happy Tuesday and enjoy your blog hoppin'!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Card #1 Ho Ho Ho

I really like how this turned out.  It is so cute irl...

112507_pictures_043_2 I used DCWV paper stack.  The Christmas version.  Tuesdays Technique 3 different alphabets and Stampendous Santa trio set.  I pop-dotted up the hat and the boots, colored in with prisma markers, and glitter glued the white parts to give it a little dimension.  Inks used are staz-on and Marvy red & Green.  Cardstock is The Paper Company.

This is one of the 4 cards that is in my "Christmas Card Jump Start" Class this Wednesday night.

Enjoy your blog hoppin'!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Yes..  I am back after a looonnngg..  Not so Vacation!  Busy time at my day job.  With it being the end of alot of sports.....  soccer, football and such.  We have alot of orders to fill...  I hope that this is my last week of hectic-ness.  I do however have projects to take me though the week.  :)  I can't wait to show you.

I joined Taylors ATC swap.  Here is one of the 4 I did for the swap.

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Hope you all had a wonderfun Thanksgiving Holiday!  And didn't eat too much Turkey.  :)  I KNOW that I will not have any more until Christmas.  I am pretty much Turkey'ed out!  :)

Tomorrow I will start with my "Christmas Cards" and show you what I came up with.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fond "Halloween" Memories....

My mother just called me and reminded me of some "spooky" memories.  "Bloody Bones" and the game we played up and down the street...  "Ain't no boogers out tonight, Grampaw ate them all last night"..  I remember these all to well.  I used to have to wake my grand-father up everynight to walk with the to the bathroom because I was to scared togo alone.. 

What brought all this up is that my mother has my nephew spending the night with her for a few days and she took him to the park to play with my neice Kellsea.  Kellsea's other grandmother was there too and they started talking.  Needless to say Kellsea and Jefferey hasn't heard of "Bloody Bones" or "Ain't no boogers out tonight".  Poor kids...  they don't know what they got them selves 

Tagged & MIA

Hey Everyone!  I know I know..  Long time NO post.  Things have been totally NUTS around here.  Been w/out internet for about a week then computer down again, so I am back to my LAPTOP.  :)  Need a new power supply for desk top.  hopefully everything will be back to normal soon. 

I was tagged by Heather over at {Witty Title Here}  Go visit her blog.  IT IS AWSOME!  GREAT INSPIRATION! 

1. Business Owner
2. Office Manager
3. Receptionist
4. Navy (Signalman 3rd class)

1. Talladega, Alabama
2. U.S.S. John F. Kennedy CV-67
3. Jacksonville, Florida
4. Passaic, New Jersey

1. Orlando, Florida
2. Spain
3. Greece
4. Gatlinburg, TN

1. Chocolate!
2. Pizza
3. Ice Cream
4. Japanese

1. On Vacation!
2. Watching TV in bed
3. Visiting Family
4. In Florida visiting Friends

Here are the ladies I'm tagging... :)

1) Karen
2) Denise
3) Kathy
4) Michelle

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Rock_n_roll_10 Its that time of year again!  I just love FALL.  Its the beginning of the Holidays.  What fun! 

This card is using the "Rock-n-Roll" technique.  Which is super easy and fun to do.  It adds so much to Fall because you can show the different colors of the leaves as they change through the season. 


Paper- DCWV & SU!


Stamps: Rubber Stampede, Hero Arts

accessories- Brads (MM) Ribbon (DCWV)

There you have it.  Simple as Pie! 

DH was suppose to do the 100 mile bicycle ride for MS.  50 Miles he did yesterday..  HE IS SUPER SORE TODAY.  He wasn't able to complete today because my car had some issues over the week-end. But the icing on the cake was that his friend who was doing the ride with him couldn't physically do it again today.  We both felt so bad for them because he wasn't expected it to be this hard.  Well it was "100" miles on a bicycle..  That was no secret!  He new that up front.  Oh well.  Poor  (I think its funny.....) 

Hope you all had a wonderful week-end..  It was so nice here.  I am not running my AC right now..  The windows are up!  I wonder if my electric bill we be lower..  It has been 2 days...  :) 

Have a good one!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

One in a Million

One_in_a_million Inky antics has some cute stamps.  Here is one that says it all... "one in a million".  I love it.  The paper is by Basic Grey.  The ribbon came from my personal stash.  I absolutely love the scalloped punches.  They are totally my favorite.  I used Watercolor Crayons and blender pens for my coloring. 

This is one of the 5 cards I did tonight in my "5 Card Gift Pack" class.  All the cards featured the same layout but different colors and stamps.

Have a great night. 

Eat_cake Feel_better_soon Whisk_you_were_here Your_grate_2

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm BACK!!!

Cowboy_tin I am finally back!  I got my computer on Friday and I am so happy.  I lost everything that I had on there but my baby is home now.  Thats all that matters.  :)

Isn't this cute.  I love the little cowboy to the left.  We have these in stock at the store if anyone is interested let me know.  I can mail out to you asap.  These are new images by Inky Antics. 

I used Crate Paper "Crush" collection.  I love the rustic look of it.  I stamped the background stamp on the dot paper.  The image was stamped with black staz on and colored with prisma colored pencils and I used gamsol and blending stumps.  I used my Stardust clear on the sheriffs star, belt buckle and neck tie to add a little shimmer. 

I missed posting.  I am hoping I can stay on top of it now. 

Before I go, I'd like to say in rememberance of what happened 6 years ago on 9/11..  **We shall never forget"..  & United we still stand.  For the soldiers that have been serving our country since that fatal day, you all are in my thought and prayers until the last one comes home.  God Bless the Families of 9/11 and of the soldiers and those who have fought for our country! 

Have a great night everyone!

Monday, September 3, 2007


Hey Everyone!  I know I have been missing in action for a bit now.  My desktop computer hard drive crashed and I needed a new hard drive.  The good news is that my friend, Iman, her husband is working on that for me.  She has been out of town on a club scrap retreat and then off to visit family in another country so I hope, with my fingers crossed that I will get my baby back soon.  I have the laptop yes..  but it's not the same.  I have a lot to show you...  I have been working and stamping and creating and a bunch of other things too.  :)  I just wanted to let you all know where I have been and what has been going on..  so far..

Today my DH and I were both off from work so we decided to make it a "movie" day.  We watched movies all day.  And I actually cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner..  For those who know me, I am hardly home so for me to cook 3 meals in ONE day is a total miracle..  Its late to I am going to head to bed now.  I have to work tomorrow.  Nighty Night...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Every Buggie...

Every_buggy02 Needs some Buggie!  Isn't this just darling?  I love inky antics.  They have some adorable stamps.  The paper is from Basic Grey's 6 x 6 paper pack.  That paper is great for card making.  I love how it turned out.  I colored the cute buggie in with prismas and Gamsol.  I used glitter glue on her wings.  I used 4 punches from my small scalloped square punch and pieced together to give it the scalloped edge.  The ribbon and the sentiment just ties it all together.  Check out her ankle bracelet.  CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! 


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Best Witches

Best_witches I just got this lovely stamp in the mail today.  I had ordered it from a dear friend of mine Stampers Dream.  You can check out Michelle's blog, the link is in my blog listing on the left hand side titled "Stampers Dream"  Thanks Michelle!

On this card I used my prismacolor Markers to color the image in.  I actually like these markers over the Copic.  I find these markers easier to use. 

Hope you have a great night and I will post more tomorrow.  I hopefully am back on track!  :)  Nighty Night...

MIA & Split Negative Technique

Split_negative I know, I know...  I have been missing in action for a few days.  Busy with the store and then on Sunday my home computer crashed.  I need a new hard drive.  Stinks because I lost everything.  On the other hand it cleans out my 

Sorry this photo stinks.  Hmm..  Not sure what happened.

This technique is called split negative.  It is usually done with black and white ink and paper.  However I wanted to try it with blue and white instead.  I used Stampin up ink and paper.  The stamp is by All Night Media.  The best type of stamp to use would be a bold stamp. 

Enjoy and have a great day!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy Friday!

Img_0011  These little guys are Microscope slides and frames that are by "Ranger".  They are all using different things to embellish and decorate each one.  I also printed up a contact sheet of various pictures to add onto the photo. 

The top left is:  My Grandfather in on photo and the other photo is of My Grandmother and mom, and her 2 brothers when she was a weee little tot. 

The top middle:  a pic of myself sitting on Santa's Lap..  :)

The bottom Left:  My niece and Nephew

The bottom Right:  My Sister Renee and her boyfriend Jonathan.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Crayon Resist

Img_0044 Here is another card using the "Crayon Resist"  I love how elegant it looks. 

Today I am home.  Need to be stamping but instead I am surfing the computer.  You know the kind.  You sit down and before you know it 2 hours has passed...

At the moment my house is a mess.  (not too bad)  but a mess non-the-less.  DH is redoing the tile in my shower/tub area.  I can't wait to get it done.  Last night when we were getting ready for bed and put up the child gate to keep Adora (my 120 lb rotty) in the bedroom w/out closing the door, well we couldn't find her.  She usually likes to get under my bed but she wasn't there.  She wasn't in the living room, kitchen or my craft room.  Then I looked in the bathroom and she had jumped in my tub and all you seen was her head sticking out from the shower curtain.  She was so cute and I didn't have my camera.... My

Happy Bloggin'!   

Monday, August 6, 2007

Happy Monday

Img_0042 Happy Monday!  This week-end started out to be busy then I just needed a day of doing NOTHING.   Friday Night we had a crop going on at the store until 11pm. Saturday we had a Scrapbook and Rubber stamping Garage Sale that ended about 5ish. I had dinner with some friends at TGI Fridays.Went back to the store so I could clean up from the garage sale.  By the time I got home it was after 9pm.  Before I knew it, it was after 10:30 when I went to bed.. then I was out light a light.  Not any stamping went on this week end!  Sunday was my day of NOTHING.  Watched Lifetime all day.  Which wasn't bad because they had Nora Roberts books in movie all day.  So It was nice to compare the book to the movie. 

This card here, I have had in my stash. 

Stamps:  In Full Bloom

Ink and Paper:  Stampin UP!

Accessories:  Brads and paper piercer, White embossing powder and versamark

Stamp the image on Vellum w/ versamark then emboss with white embossing powder, turn vellum over and color in.  This gives it a softer look on the embossed side.  I Love how this turned out!

Blank on the inside so you can use it for any occasion.

Happy Bloggin'!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Img_0015 Img_0014

This is a book I made for a class, called "pieces of Us".  Which is about my husband and I.  I used it to document little things about us:  our favorite movie, song, color all the way to our birth date, where we were born and such...  It was fun and I am going to keep it on our end table in the living room. 


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Best Witches

729a_card This is the last of the cards I made Last Saturday night.  I am not tooo excited about this one.  I think the white is to bright...  I tried to tone it down with the edges but I still think it is too bright.  I think there is a time when you just say "Step Away From The Card" and Just leave it.  I do like how the oval turned out. 

Paper:  Heidi Grace Halloween, SU Cardstock

Ink:  Black Staze On

Accessories:  Black Ribbon, Black Journaling Pen

What do you think of this card? 

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happy August and BLOG WINNER!!!

Can you believe it is August already?  My birthday is in 22 days...  Yep its August 23rd.  I'll be I'll be 33 years old.  Yikes I am getting old.  Sad to say that I had to do a bit of subtraction to get my age.  I don't really think about my age that much..  I just know I am the oldest of my siblings and my DH is the baby of his and he is 4 mo older than I.  Anyhow..  I am sure someone feels the same way I

Ok who is the BIG WINNER!!!  My husband drew from the bucket and "YOSHA" you are the winner..

Yosha has a great blog, go and visit her here:

Yosha email me your mailing address so I can get these goodies out to you.

Thanks so much to all who posted on my Blog Candy.  I appreciate each and every one of you who read here.

Have a good night! 

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Wednesday!

Step_5_finish_your_card I did this card as a tutorial for Crayon Resist.  I used my new inks and new paper.  Not sentiment on this one, just a blank card.  The stamp I used was the Flower Dots by Rhonna Farrer. 

Don't forget to go and sign up for blog candy/stampin' goodies here: BLOG CANDY     You only have until TONIGHT!

Happy bloggin'!

Happy Beeeee-Day

729b_card This card here is made by stampendous.  I love the colors!.  I used my cuttlebug embossing A@ folders.  This is one of my favorite stamps for this week. 

Stamps:  Stampendous

Ink:  Stampin' Up! & Staz-On

Paper: Stampin' Up! and Bazzill

Accessories:  Ribbon, Scalloped punch and circle punch, Prisma colored Pencils & gamsol

Not much to report today! 

Happy Bloggin'!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Happy Halloween & Blog Candy/Stampin' Goodies

729c_card_3  If you haven't already-go and sign up for the "Blog Candy/Stamping Goodies" Drawing to be held Aug 1st.  Thats just 2 days away!!! 

I love this stamp by Whipper Snapper.  Isn't is so cute!.  I colored with my Prisma colored Pencils and Gamsol.  I added glossy affects on their noses to give a little dimension.  The little "happy halloween" at the bottom is A*muse art stamps.  To add a little bit of texture I used my A2 cuttle bug embossing folder and inked with black. 

This card was fun to make.  I love the size.  Different!  Check out the little white tooth on 2 of 

Enjoy your Blog Hoppin'!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Absolutely Adorable & Stamping Goodies/Blog Candy



Yesterday My DH and I went through all our "stuff" that we have had in boxes and sorted out what we have had packed since we moved here 2 years ago.  DH right now is on his way to donate about 4 bags of clothes and 2 boxes of shoes.  (while putting them in the car I changed my mind on 2  A girl can change her mind! )

Last night we had dinner with friends at a new Restaurant in Rutherford, NJ.  While dh and Imans dh went to the movies to see the "Simpsons" we stamped/scrapped. 

This is one of the cards I made.  I Really wanted to use this swirl by Stampers Anonymous, Tim Holtz design.  But I couldn't get it to work for me.  So I played with it a bit more and I like how it turned out.  The paper is all SU!.  The ink is one of the new In color inks.  The ribbon is from my stash of Club Scrap Ribbon.  (I love it because it has a slight shimmer).  The EX Large brad at the bottom right is one of the We R Memory Keepers brads that say "Absolutely adorable"  Really Matches the Ink well..  I topped off the card by spritzing Glimmer Mist on top of it in the color of iridescent Gold.  You can't see it in the picture but you can on the actual card itself.

I am so over-joyed at the response I have had through my blog candy.  If you havent seen the post go HERE.  MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE A COMMENT TO BE ENTERED.  You guys are so sweet and I appreciate all the great comments..  Someone had asked a question in one of their posts.  one or two have a duplicate post,  I am not sure the actual reasoning but I do believe it might have been a glitch in their posting because it says the same as the first post they posted.  It will only count as one.  (even if it was something different posted it would still count as one..)  So please don't worry DH will be home to do the drawing..  lol

To throw a little spice into the fun if you link my Blog Candy into your Blog I'll give you 2 extra entries into the blog candy drawing.  Make sure you let me know by leaving a comment on this post here that you have.     

Happy Bloggin!   

Friday, July 27, 2007

Time for Stamping Goodies!!! "BLOG CANDY"

Img_0002b It's that time again!  Time for more  STAMPING GOODIES! 

Thanks for visiting my little corner of the Blog World.  I appreciate each and every one that visit and leave a comment to let me know that you are there.  As a token of my appreciation I have put together some goodies. 

The small gift from me to you is:

1.  Clear acrylic Block in the shape of a circle by Inkadinkado

2.  A package of clear stamps by Inkadinkado "Thank You"

3.  8 Stampable Notecards w/ Envelopes

4.  3 packs of Studio G Stamps "Friends Forever", "Hip Hip Hooray", and "Happy Birthday"

5.  (2) Two 1/2 yard Ribbons.  Pink Polka Dot and Brown Polka Dot

6.  Three Bibbin Ribbon Spools "All Girl", "All Boy", and "Ivory w/ Navy Polka Dot"

7.  2 Cats EyesAquamarine and Yellow Cadmium

8.  Studio G Wooden Stamps "Happy Birthday", "It's Your Day", "Take it Easy", and "Its Your Day"

To get this package right on your doorstep all you have to do is leave a comment.  I will have my husband draw a name on the night of Wednesday August 1st. 

Happy Blogging! 

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Ok...  So I totally couldn't help myself.  I had to have this stamp set.  Isn't it just the cutest!  This is one of the new sets from Stampin' Up. 

Stamps:  Boatloads of Love

Inks:  Staz-on Black, Blue Bayou

Paper:  River Rock, Blue Bayou, White card stock

Accessories:  Paper Piercer, Mouse Pad, Brads, pop dots.. 

I colored in the boat with prisma colored pencils and Gamsol.  You can't tell it in the picture but I put glossy accents on the float devices hanging from the side of the boat to give them a shinny look with dimension.  Pewter colored brads are on the portholes.  And I pop dotted the smoke coming from the smoke stack. 

I also got another new set yesterday called Double Line Doodles w/ all the new In-Colors Inks & paper.  I can't wait to play more with these new colors.  Img_0052

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Just Chicken in!

Img_0039_7 I love this card!  This is my favorite stamp set.  Sad to say that it has retired from Stampin' Up! 

For the past few days I have been having a hard time uploading images to my typepad account.  Well Duh..  I figured it out.  My images were to  I feel like a dork. 

I got my Stampin' Up Order today.  I got all the new in color's ink and paper,  Boatloads of Love, and Double line doodles.  I can't wait to use some of my new colors! 

I'm off to get creative! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

3 Happy Bees

Img_0040_3 I love this stamp.  Don't these cute little bee's look so happy!  :)  This paper is SU's, I have a little more of this paper left.  Making it stretch..  :)  I guess that part is easy when you like to make cards. 

Off to work this morning so enjoy your blog hoppin'!

P.S.  Don't forget I have a blog candy surprise sometime this week...  :)

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's a Jungle Out There!!!

Img_0041_2This is one of my new stamps I got in the mail last week from Eclectic Paperie.  Aren't these monkeys the cutest! 

On this card I used Beate's week end card sketch #11.  On this card I used:  Various scrap paper.  Bazzill card stock for the base.  I used SU ivory ribbon.  Scalloped oval and SU window punch.  Stamps by stampendous and Tuesdays Technique Hanging by a thread.  On the cute little monkeys I used Staz-on to stamp and colored with prisma colored pencils. 

Question of the day:  What is your most favorite stamp set in the new SU catty that you feel like you can't live without? 

This past week-end I started turning my SU card fronts into full cards so I can get good use out of the swaps I had done at various events like Convention or swaps.  I also went to a Stampin' Up Garage Sale where I got some up to date versions of card fronts and I did walk away with 4 new to me stamp sets.  Here is one of the cards I got at the Garage sale that I cut down and matted it onto a white card base.  My mother just got this set and I told her I would load this up on my blog so she can look at it.  Tonight or as soon as she gets her catty from her SU rep we are going to go through the catty together over the phone.  I have a list of things I want from this catty.  Slowly but surely..  :)

Img_0043   This week I will be posting more blog candy.  So keep your eyes open! 

Have a great "bloggin" Monday! and don't forget to answer the question of the day!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Petey Penguin

Card I did this card a few days ago.  I used one of the stamps from Inky Antics.  I know Petey Penguin isn't his "actual" name, but he is part of the Petey collection. 

I enjoy the coloring.  There is nothing like a fresh box of crayons.  Even-though I didn't color this with crayons.  I did buy me a few boxes while they are on sale for the new school year. 

I just noticed my top triangle isn't exactly straight.  Hey!  this is a hand made card.  IT'S PERFECT...:)

I used my Tim Holtz paper distresser on the edges.  I love the look of it.  It adds a little more depth to a card.

Today I got the news that Joann's got some new clear and wood block $1 in..  But not mine.  :(  I did find a new Michaels today!  Now there are 4 in fairly close distance if I need a "fix".. 

Ok it is a bit late and I am a little tired.  Nite!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to You $1 Stamp

I love how this card came out. 

Stamps Used:  Mikes $1 Stamp

Paper:  K & co, The paper Company, Stampin' Up

Accessories:  Ribbon, SU window Punch, Scalloped Circle Punch and various size circle punches. One pink Brad by Making MemoriesImg_0030a

Random Info:  My sisters Birthday was yesterday, July 19, we are now the same age until I turn 33 on August 23.  Happy Birthday Peanut. 

I got in my order from Eclectic Paperie.  I got 2 of the Changito Stamps w/ word saying "Its a Jungle Out there".  I got 2 of the Bee Happy collection stamps w/ word saying "Happy Beee-day" and last but not least I got one sweeet Delights stamps.  I hope to get in some stamping time later today. 

Have a good one and happy bloggin'!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rockin' Girl Blogger Nomination


Donna B from Austin, Tx nominated me as a Rockin' Girl Blogger today! Thanks so much for the compliment! I am now suppose to nominate 5 other Blogs so here goes:

1.  All Things Stamped-Denise Bryant

2.  Crazy for Paisley  Heather Heyrich

3.  Crazy Stamp Chick- Michelle Clark

4.  Stampin with Julie- Julie Masse

5. {Imagine, Dream, Create.}- Cindy

Now because I am a not a high tech person.  How do I get that cute little pink badge on the left side of my blog...  ;) 


Make A Wish

Img_0030 I like how this card turned out.  I wasn't sure when I first put it together.  But by this morning I liked it.  I like how the coloring turned out.  Of course House Mouse are one of my favorite stamps.  In this card I used SCS's Sketch challenge #122. 

I started out the night not knowing what I wanted to do.  When all else fails just gram a house mouse stamp and start coloring!  :) 

Ok I am off to do some more work.  I have a class tonight that I still need to cut paper for.  I also have a project that is due tomorrow that I haven't started on.  yikes!. 

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Happy Life....Transparency card


I finally gave my hand at a transparency card.  This is so cute.  I love how the lady bug looks like it is walking across the page. 

I hope you all had a great week end.  Things were a bit busy here at my house.  My husband came home Saturday and Sunday we went to a water park called Hurricane Harbor (six flags)  which was fun..  I was not looking forward to it to begin with but it warmed up to me later on.  Warmed up so much I have a sun burn...  Now I am miserable today.  :(  The good news is I had my husband hook up my wireless router at home so I can go wireless.  :)  yippie! 

Saturday, July 14, 2007

You take the Cake!


This was the only card I made last night at the crop.  How pathetic am I?!?!  I did manage to get some cool paper and some other shopping done.  Well I could have saved my money and still made the 1 card at home last night.  On the other hand, it was fun to be around other croppers.  You kinda get that sense of a rush..  I was home a little after midnight.  By the time I took the dogs out and checked mail and went to bed it was about 1:30am.  I really was tempted to make that Card that Karen made on her blog.  I am going to tempt to make the transparency card today after I am done doing dishes, vacuuming and laundry.  Which I hope to be done with all of that by noon 

Thanks Karen for the Banner.  I love it and the colors are Great.  Now If I can do a watermark for my pictures...................

The card above is using My Favorite Things, You take the Cake stamp set.  I also used  a paper pack (I forgot who makes the paper but it is in the bottom of my Crop in Style.)  and American Crafts Felt Flowers.  I LOVE HOW IT LOOKS.  I have 3 more I have to color.  I am trying to make my cards in sets of 4 that way I have extras when I need them. 

more Bloggin' Later.  The laundry, floors and the dishes aren't going to do themselves..  I NEED A CLEANING LADY!  :)


Thursday, July 12, 2007

ATC Amuse Swap




Aren't all of these beautiful!  I am so excited to store these in my ATC book.  Yep..  We made ATC books at our Meet-Up tonight.  I love it!  Actually Heather started mine and then I came in and did some work on it and she finished it up for me.  I had customers to tend to...  :)  Wait until you see the card swaps and the atc swaps..  They are amazing..  I'll take pictures of them tomorrow and load them up tomorrow night.

I  am going to a crop Friday Night.  From 7 - 11.  I hope to get some things done in that time frame.  Being that I know myself I will probably talk majority of the time and get 1 card done!  :)  But who cares..  Its all for the fun of the game, right?

I am exhausted so I am heading to bed.  Nighty Night!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007



RETRO?!?!  I like the orange and the pink with the brown. 

The pattern paper: EK success, & SU

The Stamps: Text Box by Paper Trey.

The Ink:  Color Box Chalk

The Accessories:  Brads-Queen & Co.  Ribbon-SU;  Paper Piercer- Push Pin and Mouse pad

I ordered envelopes that fit this size which is 3 1/2 x 6 1/2.  They should arrive hopefully Thursday but maybe Friday.  We have Meet-Up at the store on Thursday night and we do a card swap every month.  I haven't quite decided but I think I am going to make this card for the swap.  Quick and simple and I like it. 

*Sorry this picture stinks.  I just couldn't get my hand to hold still while I take the picture. 


Monday, July 9, 2007



The winner is:   Michele

The question and the answer:

Stampanna:  What do you like the most about Summer?


Being that I am a summer baby, I absolutely LOVE the summer.
My favorite part is that I get to stamp outdoors, and get to go to the beach.
I love the beach, it's relaxing and fun!
Of course I love BBQ's too, but now that I have to restrict my diet,,, food events are no longer on the top of my list!
FANTASTIC blog candy by the way! WOOHOO!

Bella ATC's and Adora


Here is the last of my ATC Bella Swap.  YAY!  I am glad to be done with these so I can now do some big cards stamping..  :)  These images were stamped for me by Bonnie,  we kinda did a little exchange..  She wanted some house-mouse images and I wanted some Bella's.  :)  Thanks Bonnie love the images!  If you haven't checked out her blog go do so..  She and her family are being MADE by MTV.  Which is due to be aired this fall if I am not mistaking.. 

Come back later tonight for the DRAWING..  My husband is in Columbus, NM so I think I am going to call him and have him pick a #...  instead of me actually writing out the names and drawing one.  I don't suppose ADORA can draw one for me.  :)  here is a picture of Adora on the couch.  (she knows she wasn't suppose to be up there but who could get mad..  look how cute she is...) she got down after the photo shoot.  Just because my husband is away she thinks she can get by with murder...  I love my babies.  Adora is 8 years old now..  Until later tonight..  Happy Blog Hoppin'!


Saturday, July 7, 2007

WinoBella ATC's

Wow!  got a lot of responses to my blog candy.  Thanks to everyone for the kind words.  Here is one of my Bella ATC Swaps.  I have one more to go and I am done with the swaps..  :)  They will all go postal on Monday!  Yes everyone I am on time on this one!  For those that don't know me personally I am a procrastinator.  I wait until the last minute to put something together.  That is usually when I do my best work because I don't sit and think about it. 


Friday, July 6, 2007

When Life gives you limes....

Make Margaritas!!  This is a fabulous card for Friday! 


I used Junkitz paper pack, A*muse Art Stamps.  You can't really tell but I added glitter glue around the glass to make it look like salt.  I stamped on Glossy Cardstock and brayered with green galore.